5 Supplements You Should Take for CrossFit Training

February 24, 2023   |   Words by Liz Francis


No matter what level of athlete you are, you need to fuel your body with the right nutrients to support your workout goals.

While eating whole foods is the most important way to get the nutrients your body needs, supplements can play a key role in helping you achieve your desired results. However, with so many options available, it can be difficult to know which supplements are right for you.

Here are five supplements that you might consider adding to your routine!

  1. Protein Powder
    Protein is an essential nutrient that helps your muscles repair and recover after a workout. If you’re not getting enough protein from your diet, protein powder can be a convenient and easy way to meet your daily protein needs. NCFit recommends whey protein powder, which is a fast-digesting protein that’s absorbed quickly by the body.

  2. Creatine
    Creatine is a naturally-occurring substance that helps to increase strength and improve athletic performance. If you’re looking to build muscle or increase your power, creatine can be a useful supplement to add to your routine.

  3. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs)
    BCAAs are three essential amino acids that are critical for muscle building and recovery. Taking BCAAs before, during, or after a workout can help to reduce muscle soreness and improve recovery.

  4. Vitamin D
    Vitamin D is essential for strong bones and a healthy immune system. Many people are deficient in Vitamin D, especially during the winter months when sunlight is limited. A Vitamin D supplement can help ensure that you’re getting enough of this important nutrient.

  5. Fish Oil
    Fish oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are important for heart health, brain function, and reducing inflammation. If you’re not getting enough omega-3s from your diet, a fish oil supplement can help to fill in the gaps.

Incorporating these five supplements into your routine can help to support your fitness goals and overall health. Of course, it’s always best to talk to a healthcare provider before starting any new supplement regimen. Remember that a healthy diet and exercise routine should always be the foundation of your fitness journey; supplements should simply serve as a complement to your EFFORTS.


“A healthy diet & exercise routine should always be the foundation of your fitness journey; supplements should simply serve as a complement to your EFFORTS.”


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