Summer Shred? Good Idea Or Bad Idea?

July 5, 2023   |   Words by Gabe Yanez


Summer Shred? Good Idea Or Bad Idea?

Summer is here, so it is time to bear down, lose those few extra stubborn pounds, and lean out just in time for beach and pool season. 

Or is it? 

Maybe not, and here is why. 

It’s Time To Gaintain! 

Summer is full of social events, backyard barbecues, beach trips, and well-deserved vacations. The buzz of activities and the shift in routines can make it challenging to adhere to stringent dietary regulations and the caloric deficit needed for weight loss. With indulgent foods and drinks aplenty, navigating these events can be a minefield if you’re trying to shed pounds.

This is why Summer might be better suited for a little ‘gaintain.’

Instead of stressing over losing weight and restricting your food choices, you could emphasize the quality of food as much as possible while still enjoying the occasional social outing and indulgent foods. 

The idea is simple: instead of trying to lose weight during the summer, focus on maintaining your current weight while gaining strength and muscle. This approach works exceptionally well in summer because it complements the natural rhythm of the season — longer days mean more sunlight and time to train hard and stay active! 

Prioritize nutrient-dense, whole foods that fuel your body for your workouts and the day-to-day activities of summer. By making healthier food choices, you can enjoy your meals without the guilt or the stress of exceeding your calorie limit.

And while you’re focusing on food quality, also keep in mind to train hard. With its longer days and extra energy, summer is an excellent time to ramp up your training intensity. The combination of nutrient-rich food and high-intensity workouts could lead to gains in strength and muscle mass.

So, this summer, let’s try putting any focus on weight loss on pause. It’s time to GainTain. Enjoy the season, train hard, eat well, and watch your body composition improve. You might be surprised at how much progress you can make by shifting your goals and embracing a different mindset than in years past. 


“ The idea is simple: instead of trying to lose weight during the summer, focus on maintaining your current weight while gaining strength and muscle. “


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Gabe Yanez

Gabe Yanez is a coach, athlete, and health nut. He is also Director of Sales and Marketing for NCFIT.

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