How More Greens Can Make You Feel Less Blue

Aug 2, 2023   |   Words by Gabe Yanez


More Veggies, Please. 

Optimizing your health goes beyond just your physical health. We haven’t talked much about this before, but mental health is essential for anyone trying to feel and look their best. 

So what are some of the best things you can do to boost your mood and manage stress? Believe it or not, it always comes back to nutrition, exercise, and sleep. 

Let’s dive in. 

Fruits, Vegetables, and Mental Health 

An intriguing new area of research is exploring the possibility that the food on your plate not only nourishes your body but also contributes to your state of mind. More specifically, we're talking about the impact fruits and vegetables have on your mental health. 

One study discovered a link between high fruit consumption and increased energy and confidence levels. Another piece of research went a step further, showing that five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day could lower the risk of depression by almost 20%.

So is this just a case of "happy people gravitate towards healthier foods?" An interesting study conducted last year challenges that notion. This was a randomized controlled trial where one group maintained their usual diet while another received weekly vegetable deliveries.

The result? The vegetable group reported feeling happier than before the trial started and more content than their counterparts who didn't get the fresh produce.

The jury is still out on why this connection exists, but the key takeaway is that an extra serving of fruits or veggies is almost never a bad call. Integrating three to seven daily servings of fruits and vegetables into your diet has been linked to a stronger immune system and a longer lifespan.

And if you are looking to lose or maintain a healthy weight, the fiber in fruits and veggies is key to helping you feel satiated and less likely to reach for some of the snacks you know you should be avoiding. 

One Thing To Try This Week

The Plate Method

Nutrition can be as simple as using the plate method to build your meals. For some of us, eating fruits and vegetables doesn’t come naturally. So why not use this simple blueprint to create all of your meals?

The plate method is an easy-to-follow guide to creating well-balanced meals. It involves dividing your plate into three sections: one half should be filled with colorful vegetables or fruits, one quarter should contain lean proteins like chicken, fish, or legumes, and the remaining quarter should consist of whole grains or starchy vegetables. 

This ensures you get a good mix of nutrients, including fiber, vitamins, and minerals from fruits and vegetables, protein for muscle maintenance and repair, and complex carbohydrates for sustained energy.

Something as fundamental as nutrition shouldn’t be complicated, and the plate method makes getting the right mix of foods incredibly simple every single time.

Looking for a more in-depth look at the Plate Method?


“ An intriguing new area of research is exploring the possibility that the food on your plate not only nourishes your body but also contributes to your state of mind.  “


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Gabe Yanez

Gabe Yanez is a coach, athlete, and health nut. He is also Director of Sales and Marketing for NCFIT.

Follow Gabe.


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