5-3-1 — It’s time to GET STRONG.

April 19, 2023   |   Words by Gabe Yanez


How Wendler can help you gain strength and muscle

Who’s ready to get strong and build muscle?! These may not be the only goals you have in mind, but strength and muscle are essential components of any fitness journey. 

Want to live longer? Strength training has been proven to increase life expectancy. Want to feel better? Building muscle can improve your overall sense of well-being. Want to perform better? Stronger muscles help you excel in any sport or physical activity. 

And let's not forget about changing your body composition — more muscle means a faster metabolism and a leaner physique. So let's get pumped, let's get excited, and let's get stronger! 

How? Wendler. Let’s dive in. 

Five, Three, One, Gains! 

Strength and muscle building are two important aspects of fitness that many people strive to improve. While there are many different training programs out there, one that has gained popularity in recent years is the Wendler Strength Cycle. 

What is the Wendler Strength Cycle?

The Wendler Strength Cycle is a training program designed by Jim Wendler, a former powerlifter and strength coach. It is based on the principles of progressive overload, which means gradually increasing the weight lifted over time to build strength and muscle. The program is typically done over a 12-week cycle, but it can be condensed to 6-weeks. 

Why is the Wendler Strength Cycle Effective?

  1. Progressive Overload: The program is designed to gradually increase the weight lifted over time. This means that the muscles are constantly challenged and forced to adapt, leading to strength and muscle gains.

  2. Variation: The program focuses on three to four main lifts but incorporates different sets and rep schemes throughout the cycle. This variation helps prevent boredom and keeps the muscles guessing, which can lead to more consistency and better progress. 

The Wendler Strength Cycle is an incredibly effective way to build strength and muscle, some might even say it’s foolproof. So do you want in on the next Wendler Cycle? Keep reading.

One Thing To Try This Week

Wendler Starts May 1st

Wendler is coming to the NCFIT App and NCFIT Collective programming starting on May 1. Join us now to jump on board and build a baseline of strength as we get closer to the start of the cycle. This Wendler Cycle will focus on the Deadlift, Back Squat, and Push Press for a total of 6 weeks. 

Let’s GO — it is time to get strong for the summer!


“ The Wendler Strength Cycle is a training program designed on the principles of progressive overload, which means gradually increasing the weight lifted over time to build strength and muscle. The program is typically done over a 12-week cycle. ”


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Gabe Yanez

Gabe Yanez is a coach, athlete, and health nut. He is also Director of Sales and Marketing for NCFIT.

Follow Gabe.


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