Time Under Tension

March 29, 2023   |   Words by Liz Francis



Now that the Open is in the rearview mirror, it’s time to rebuild. TODAY is the first day of the NCFIT Tempo/Strict Strength Cycle!

The next three months are going to be centered around building a STRONG base with our classic strength movements and strict gymnastics movements. As far as lifting goes, we’re starting this cycle off with five weeks of tempo for the Back Squat, Deadlift, and Strict Press.

Let’s talk about WHY tempo strength training is so important!


Radio Say “Speed It Up,” I Just Go Slower

Lifting weights at a tempo is one of the most effective ways to get better and stronger in your lifts. But what’s so good about it? I want to focus on three big benefits of this style of training:

  1. Technique Correction

    When you perform exercises with a slow and controlled tempo, you’re forced to focus on your form and technique. Because you’re moving at a slower pace, you can’t rely on momentum to finish the lift for you; you have to focus on engaging all the right muscles to execute the rep properly. You might also notice you’re weaker in some positions and stronger in others. This information is really helpful in knowing which muscles might need a little extra love the next time you hit the gym!

  2. Injury Prevention

    Reduced risk of injury is a result of the things we talked about above! Because you’re moving at a slower pace, you’ll be lifting a lighter load than usual. When you transition back to lifting at full speed, it’ll be second nature to use the correct technique regardless of the heavier load. Your muscles will be doing the work rather than your joints and tendons!

  3. Muscle Gains

    Lastly — and maybe the most exciting result of tempo training — you’re going to get STRONG AF because it increases the time under tension for each rep, which can lead to greater muscle damage and subsequent growth. By slowing down your movements, you'll also be able to activate more muscle fibers, leading to more overall muscle recruitment. Bring out the tank tops!


Get in on the Tempo / Strict Cycle

If you haven’t already, download the NCFIT App and join us for the Tempo/Strict Strength Cycle to get jacked just in time for summer. For each workout and strength session, you’ll have access to Athlete Videos and the intended RPE so you can make the most out of your training.


“Lastly — and maybe the most exciting result of tempo training — you’re going to get STRONG AF because it increases the time under tension for each rep, which can lead to greater muscle damage and subsequent growth.”


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Liz Francis

Liz Francis is a fitness enthusiast and a big believer in going with the flow. Liz encourages you to train hard so you can live big.

Follow Liz.


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